Ahmad Rizvi


POK और COK पाकिस्तान अधिक्रत कश्मीर या पाकिस्तान द्वारा कब्ज़ा किया गया कश्मीर को ही पी.ओ.के. कहते है और चीन के द्वारा कब्ज़ा किए गये कश्मीर को सी.ओ.के. कहते है । हाल ही मे दो महत्वपूर्ण घटनाए हुई है । लंदन से भारतीय विदेश मंत्री का POK को वापस लाने का अज़म लेते हुवे बयान देना । इसके साथ ही कारगिल मे भारत के द्वारा पहली बार C-17 ग्लोब मास्टर जैसे विशालकाय विमान की सफलतापूर्ण लैन्डिंग कराना एक महत्वपूर्ण उपलब्धि को दर्शाया गया है । जिससे रसद, गोला बारूद, आर्म्स और एमूनेशन, सैनिकों को तेज़ी के साथ फ्रन्ट लाइन तक पहुंचाया जा सकता है । जम्मू और कश्मीर के मुख्यमंत्री ने POK के साथ चीन अधिक्रत कश्मीर, को भारत का हिस्सा बताया और उसे वापस न लाने के लिए कोई बयान नहीं दिया गया, इस पर टिप्पणी की गई जिसका भारतीय जनता पार्टी और उसकी सिस्टर संस्थाये अपने नेता के इशारों पर विरोध परदर्शन करना आरंभ किया जा चुका है । सन 2020 मे गलवान संघर्ष को मद्देनजर रखते हुवे जो अभी तक गतिरोध बना हुआ था हाल ही मे गतिरोध टूटा है। ऐसे मे चीन पर बयान देकर पूर्व के हालात सीमा पर बन जाए । लेकिन ऐसा नहीं है की चीन अधिक्रत कश...

One word substitution :1

allergy A state of body in which the cells are specially sensitive to certain substances. Aliencreatures from another world, foreigner. Amateur One who does things for pleasure. Ambidextrous one having the ability of using both his hands. Anarchist one who excites disorder in a state to take over power. Anonymous A Work of art, the name of whose author is not known or acknowledged. Aquarium A place where aquatic animals are kept. A place where weapons are manufactured and stored. Atheist One who does not believe in God. Autobiography Biography of a person written by himself. Autocracy Absolute government by one person. Bibliophile A lover of books. Bigot A person blindly attached to any opinion system or party. Biography The history of the life of a particular person. BureaucracyA government in which all power is controlled by the officials. CelibacyThe state of being unmarried. Contemporary Belongings to the same time. ConvalescenceThe gradual recovery Of health and strength after disease. CosmopolitanOne who is a citizen of world, of various cultures who is at home everywhere,a citizen of world. Dead Letter Anything which has lost its force, by lapse of time or any other cause and has ceased to be acted on. DemocracyA government formed and ruled over by the wishes of the people. Dilettante an admirer of fine arts. DomicileA place where one lives permanently. Edible That which is fit to be eaten. Garrulous One who talks excessively. HomicideThe killing of one man by another. Honorary Possessing a little or post without performing services or without receiving benefit or reward. Illegible Not clear enough to be read. IlliterateOne who is unable to read and write. InaudibleThat which cannot be heard. IncorrigibleIncapable of being corrected or amended. IncredibleThat which cannot be believed. IndelibleIncapable of being effaced or cancelled or erased. InfallibleNot capable of erring or falling into error. Infectious Likely to communicate disease. InimitableThat which cannot be immitated. Invincible That which cannot be defeated, unconquarble. Invisible Incapable of being seen. LinguistOne who knows several languages. MaidenA young unmarried woman. First.


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