Ahmad Rizvi


POK और COK पाकिस्तान अधिक्रत कश्मीर या पाकिस्तान द्वारा कब्ज़ा किया गया कश्मीर को ही पी.ओ.के. कहते है और चीन के द्वारा कब्ज़ा किए गये कश्मीर को सी.ओ.के. कहते है । हाल ही मे दो महत्वपूर्ण घटनाए हुई है । लंदन से भारतीय विदेश मंत्री का POK को वापस लाने का अज़म लेते हुवे बयान देना । इसके साथ ही कारगिल मे भारत के द्वारा पहली बार C-17 ग्लोब मास्टर जैसे विशालकाय विमान की सफलतापूर्ण लैन्डिंग कराना एक महत्वपूर्ण उपलब्धि को दर्शाया गया है । जिससे रसद, गोला बारूद, आर्म्स और एमूनेशन, सैनिकों को तेज़ी के साथ फ्रन्ट लाइन तक पहुंचाया जा सकता है । जम्मू और कश्मीर के मुख्यमंत्री ने POK के साथ चीन अधिक्रत कश्मीर, को भारत का हिस्सा बताया और उसे वापस न लाने के लिए कोई बयान नहीं दिया गया, इस पर टिप्पणी की गई जिसका भारतीय जनता पार्टी और उसकी सिस्टर संस्थाये अपने नेता के इशारों पर विरोध परदर्शन करना आरंभ किया जा चुका है । सन 2020 मे गलवान संघर्ष को मद्देनजर रखते हुवे जो अभी तक गतिरोध बना हुआ था हाल ही मे गतिरोध टूटा है। ऐसे मे चीन पर बयान देकर पूर्व के हालात सीमा पर बन जाए । लेकिन ऐसा नहीं है की चीन अधिक्रत कश...

Why is the essential atomic weapon for iran

in the past year we all have seen many historical things in which question was raised by america and its supporter about uranium enrichment ,specially iran atomic issues was highly on peak.israel said that he would not erected an atom bomb to iran. iran many time repeated that he does not seek an atom bomb because of islamic values. in islam mass destruction or murder are prohibited as mentioned by iran republic.next question arises whether jews and chritian ,who is also part of islam,is allowed to mass murder of humanity.Answer will be in positive but one who country like america dropped the atomic weapon called "little boy" at hiroshima and nagasaki of japan,is ridiculous.America erected thousands of atomic weapon.From atomic weapon he would save the humanity and when the america will drop an atomic bomb,will converted into flower.such think can have dream.other countries,who chosed to enrich uranium and come under deceive by america britian france and other. Libya has handed over enriched uranium to western countries and all over the world saw what happened with colonel muammar gaddafi ruler of Libya and Libya along with libya people and how was his wealth and resources looted by western countries. Another example iraq, iraq atomic reactor was hit by israel .iraq had no atomic weapon so iraq destroyed by western countries. and iraq wealth and natural resources was looted by western countries. a example of syria ,where a terrorist group and other terrorist group ISIs ,al nusra was created and supported by western countries. syria has no atomic power. Had syria been atomic power ,any cointry would not dare to attack on syria,answer is no. we are drawing your attention toward pakistan,north korea and Israel. trio are atomic power. specially we will talk about Israel ,israel is the country which is supported by Western countries name of countris disclosure is not necessary as America Britian,france and Russia. International Atomic energy agency did not raise any question of uranium enrichment and atomic weapon of Istarl nor raise any questions o to inspect of israrli reactor. not to raise question on israel is create guestion on I.a.e.a. and mounts the suspension of I.A.E.A. This suspension is not create first time but I.A.E.A. lost his reliability and credibility in iraq. Both pakistan and india has tested atomic weapon . what happened with both nothing except sanction. suppose , pakistan does not test atomic weapon as pressure of america and acce dollars from america. today pakistan has not atomic power . sanction against both countries i.e. india and pakistan imposed and same was lifted. north korea has erected atomic weapon and tested atom bomb. what did america do with north korea except sanction and negotiation. negotiation failed but america could do nothing becausse of north korea is a atomic power along with atomic weapons. so ,in my views, if iran do seek to maintain his existence,must be an atomic power along with atomic weapons. all the nation like america britian France Russia china and other atomic countries seek to not build an atomic bomb.. so all the nation must ended their atomic weapon. this can't be happen that atomic weapon countries threaten the non nuclear weapon countries and destroy the non nuclear countris like iraq libya afghanistan syria and looted the wealth and resources of that country..Double standards of western countries specially christian countries remained silent on israel atomic weapon issue but shouted on iran uranium enrichment for peacefully purpose.


Tahsin rizvi said…
Excellent thoughts and views brings to true of western countries

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